Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Undergrads Interested in Studying Abroad Can Now Travel with Byte Sized Information

TEMPE, AZ December 21, 2006

Cultural Experiences Abroad (CEA), an Arizona-based organization offering comprehensive study overseas programs for college students, is proud to announce its latest release - Study Abroad Podcasts. Undergraduate students interested in studying abroad can now take "byte" sized information with them as they head out to class, wait for the bus, or stand in line at the registrar&39;s office.

As international study abroad continues to increase in popularity, CEA is in the forefront of technology within the international education field. "We were among the first study abroad providers to offer an online application, to give students access to a personalized online account, to make payments available online by credit card and e-check, to launch live chat on our website and now we&39;re the first to offer podcasting so students can listen to important or fun information &39;on the go&39; instead of having to sit at their computer and read through a lot of text," says Tim Boubek, Director of Student Services Administration.

CEA has released 11 podcasts, and says there are many more in the works. Students who have an RSS capable browser, can subscribe to the RSS feed at the bottom of the podcasts page to be notified when new episodes are posted, but for now, users can hear first-hand from the Campus Directors in Barcelona, Seville, Paris and St. Petersburg, get information about CEA&39;s insurance, and learn about course approval and credit transfer

As CEA focuses on helping to increase awareness about the need for globalization among US students, the organization has committed to growing its list of programs and opportunities for college students. "But all of the locations and programs in the world really become irrelevant unless the benefits are exposed to students in a format that is meaningful to them. We want to reach students in a way that will resonate as they make hard decisions about their education; for now podcasting seems to be a key medium," Boubek says.

For students interested in studying abroad, contact CEA via telephone, email or online chat or visit their website at for more information. CEA is now enrolling students for programs during the summer, fall and year of 2007.

About CEA

CEA - Cultural Experiences Abroad - provides study abroad programs in the UK, Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Australia and Latin America. CEA overseas study programs provide higher education programs abroad for college students from the United States and Canada.

Students are able to study a variety of subject areas instructed in English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, Czech and Hungarian.

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